Posts Tagged ‘Los Angeles probate lawyer’

Lemon Law Judgment against Mercedes-Benz Today

April 2, 2010

I just got back from Los Angeles to see a probate lawyer and like I said earlier it is time to get writing. This post is essentially part 2 of the article I posted about this case in the last blog post. I almost got into an accident over there. According to the article, Mercedes-Benz acknowledged the car was defective, but they dragged things out until the customer was compelled to hire a lemon law attorney to get his refund. Too bad this is not unusual. Switching gears temporarily, if you need a qualified Los Angeles probate lawyer then I do suggest this fine resource, they can help with a wide array of probate cases in Los Angeles, a very good lawyer indeed.
Dealer and manufacturers tend to bounce the customer back and forth through a variety of means, including repairing items that do not fix the problem, and trying to persuade you that there is actually nothing wrong. They may explain that the problem is part of how the vehicle runs, or claiming the customer is somehow at fault. Unbelievable.
The article says that this can go on for years, wearing the customer down and leaving them stuck with an undrivable vehicle. Hopefully that victim will hire an experienced lemon law attorney.
Isn’t it too bad big business doesn’t just do the right thing? The many tactics dealers and manufacturers use can make this a very frustrating experience for the consumer. Thank goodness there is some protection under the law. The consumer will have to hang in there and find a qualified lemon law attorney to help them obtain the replacement or refund they are entitled to by law.